Kirtan Kriya Unknown 05:47 0 yorum Inspired by today's article on the link between memory and meditation ( ), I wa...
4-21-10 Inner Legs Unknown 17:23 0 yorum Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle... Let's use our inner legs for more than bright white reflectors and jokes! When we tap into the energy ...
4-19-10 Triangle(s) Unknown 17:15 0 yorum Why do only one triangle (Utthita Trikonasana) when you can do at least three?? The practice tonight focused on Triangle pose in several var...
Summer in NYC Unknown 15:12 0 yorum How cool does this look?? Yoga in the heart of Times Square!
4-14-10 Side Body (yes, again) Unknown 06:27 0 yorum No, I never get tired of finding space along our side bodies (just in case you were wondering). I love that feeling you get when you stretc...
4-12-10 Neck and Upper Back Unknown 06:16 0 yorum Between spring cleaning, gardening, weather that begs you to be active outdoors, and hunching over a calculator and pencil (or computer) fin...
4-7-10 Concentration and Balance Unknown 09:37 0 yorum Last night we worked through several balance poses, aimed at developing our concentration and encouraging our sense of balance. In addition,...
4-5-10 Twists Unknown 09:28 0 yorum As I said at the beginnning of practice, we were going to channel Chuck Berry and do some twistin'! In yoga, twists are especially benef...
3-31-10 Forward Folds Unknown 15:18 0 yorum Flat back, please! Bend your knees if you need to, but let's keep our backs flat and spines extending forward when practicing Uttanasa...
3-29-10 Glutes Unknown 15:07 0 yorum I'm back! Sorry for the delay in posting this past week. I was helping host a family wedding/reunion and time just got away from me. B...