1-3 Chakras and 1-5 Forward Folds

Last night we worked through several forward fold variations. Forward folds are said to be relaxing and stress-relieving, beings that they are inversions. Plus, they just feel great! But, not until your hamstrings are ready to let go. So move into the postures slowly, paying particular attention to any discomfort in the low back (keep knees micro-bent if this is the case). Hold the pose for several breaths, as it takes quite a while for these large muscle groups to trust you.

The quote from last night was one of my favorites, and one I try to remind myself of daily: "I am filled by the life I have been given."-Judith Lasater

The new year began with a chakra practice Monday evening. (Check back into my previous posts to read more about chakras. A Google search will also provide an overwhelming result of information). Starting at the root chakra and moving up toward the crown, we did poses designed to stimulate and regulate each energy center. So even if you don't "believe" in the chakras, this sequence provides a nice overall workout for you. Check out www.yogatampabay.com/chakras-information for a quick run-down on each chakra's location, Sanskrit name, color, element, function, etc.

Patanjali, author of the ancient "Yoga Sutras" described contentment (samtosha) for our quote tonight: "Through contentment unexcelled joy is gained."

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