12-20 Backbends

With the holiday schedule in full effect, I am slowly drowning in a to-do list. So I was unable to scan the drawings from practice Monday. However, here is a list of poses we did in case you'd like to access some hidden energy during the weekend (Backbends are energizing, you know!). Remember to strive to bend your entire back evenly, not just rely on your low back to move:

Supported Fish (Matsyendrasana)


Rocking Lunge (Anjanayasana)

Standing Camel (Utthita Ustrasana)

Sun Salutation A with Sphinx and Up-Dog

Half Bow/Half Locust


Reverse Table or Eastern Plank

Bridge (in Temple Mudra and lifted leg)

Camel (Ustrasana)

Full Wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana)

Half Lord of the Fish twist (Marichiasana)

Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)

Corpse (savasana)

The quote from Monday is a Japanese folk Zen saying: "Fish live in streams. Birds nest in trees. Human beings dwell in warm hearts."
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