I can hear the groans when we transition from forward fold (Uttanasana) into plank as we move through the Sun Salutation series. I believe it is because students just know that I'll say, "Keeping your elbows in, lower down chest first and bottom last. Then pull through to cobra." Not an easy move. So, I tried to break this bit down and practice that forward motion (8 points touching and plank to cobra). Remember to imagine you are rolling a peanut or a marble with your nose as you stay low and get long. Try not to get frustrated - as your strength and flexibility grow, it will become easier and graceful. Promise.
Quote: "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
This was not the first time we worked around the sciatic area (see the post from March 23) - and it certainly won't be the last! Who doesn't have problems with their hips and low back occasionally? We tend to sit too much, wear shoes that are too pointy or high, and abuse our bodies with overuse all at once (I'm thinking of the yard work this weekend...). So send some love to your low back and buns - they work hard for you!
Quote: "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
This was not the first time we worked around the sciatic area (see the post from March 23) - and it certainly won't be the last! Who doesn't have problems with their hips and low back occasionally? We tend to sit too much, wear shoes that are too pointy or high, and abuse our bodies with overuse all at once (I'm thinking of the yard work this weekend...). So send some love to your low back and buns - they work hard for you!
Quote from practice by John Lennon (and another absolute favorite): "Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted."
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